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Elementary Report Card

New for the 2024-25 school year.

The Elementary Report Card has been revised for the 2024-25 school year.  These revisions were made to ...

  • Better reflect the most important learning in our curriculum.
  • Better provide communication between teachers and caregivers about their students' academic progress.
  • Supplement other forms of communication between teachers and parent/guardian/caretakers.
  • Work in conjunction with district assessment reports emailed to parent/guardian/caretakers in the fall, winter and end-of-year.

Learning about your child's progress begins with home communications such as class newsletters, work samples sent home, the fall conference, and individual parent-teacher communications as needed.

Please use this webpage to learn more about the report card and areas in which we grade elementary students.

Directions on how to access your child's report card

Important Report Card Dates

Semester 1: Report cards available for parents/guardians in Family Access on  January 31st, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.

Semester 2: Report cards available for parents/guardians in Family Access on  the last day of school at 4:00 p.m.

Grading Scales

NEW Guide to the Elementary Report Card

This following mirrors the actual report card, with additional information for you to better understand the report card.  Below this is a section with links to blank report cards in word that can be used with translation software to help translate your child's report card.

The top of the report card contains the following text:

This report card provides information on your student's performance in class.  The report card provides students and parent/guardian/caretakers information on the progress of your student toward mastery of grade-level state standards.  Grades are based on how well your student has performed so far on class work and tests.  At semester 1, your student’s grade is based on the lessons taught in semester 1.   At the end of the year, your student’s grade is an indicator of their level of mastery of grade level standards.

Your student is also provided a Test Score Report via email within a few weeks of receiving this report card.  The Test Score Report provides information on how your student scored on district and/or state standardized assessments, another way of viewing academic progress.

Scoring Key for Behaviors that Promote Learning
C: Consistently
M: Meeting behavior expectations
E: Emerging grade-level skills
G: Growth area, receives supports


Scoring Key for Academic Performance
4: Mastery
3: Proficiency
2: Basic
1: Below grade level

NA: Not assessed this semester
NG: No grade
Y: Yes, supplemental progress report provided

Social-Emotional-Behavior Grades


Social-emotional-Behavior grades are based on the state standards linked in the Resource Links below.  They describe how students are performing in age-level behaviors that result in productive learning and positive social engagement.  Use the tabs below to see the Social-Emotional-Behavior Grading Categories for each grade.

Social-Emotional-Behavior Sem 1 Sem 2
Manages emotions and impulses in class (SEL 2A)    
Follows routines & directions (SEL 2B)    
Organizes and stays focused on work (SEL 3A)    
Collaborates with peers during lessons (SEL 5A)    

Advocate for self in positive ways (ask questions, seek help…, SEL 3B, 3C)


Engages in positive relationships and problem solving (SEL 5A,B,C)



Resource Links

SEL Standards: OSPI Site 

Literacy: Reading, Writing & Language Grades

Math Grades

Science and Social Studies Grades

Music + Health and Fitness (Physical Education / PE) Grades


Students receive music and physical education instruction 2-days per week.  Students receive behavior grades using the
CMEG Behavior scale, and a skills and concepts grade using the 1-4 Mastery scale described above.

Music Sem 1 Sem 2
Demonstrates behaviors that promote learning    
Demonstrates skills and concepts    


Health and Fitness Sem 1 Sem 2
Demonstrates behaviors that promote learning    
Demonstrates skills and concepts    


Blank Report Cards

Parent Guide to the Report Card 23-24 (Older Version)