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Secondary Grading Teacher Resources

Purpose of this Page

The purpose of this page is to share resources to help teacher teams navigate the many ways to implement equitable grading in order to find the combination of strategies that match their content, instruction and student needs.

(Read more or skip right to a list of strategies for providing multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery or more about UDL Tips for Assessment that support grading for equity.)

The GOAL of this page is to invite all ISD teachers to be part of creating a system and culture where students and teachers share ownership of student learning and career goals, persist in learning to achieve mastery in their coursework, and use recovery opportunities to turn setbacks into successes.

This page is living document.  It is perpetually a work in progress.  It is a place to make visible the contributions of researchers and ISD teachers who are working out strategies to achieve equitable grading practices. So please, kindly provide ideas to make this site better.  If you have a contribution, please email

More on our "Why" for a focus on equitable grading practices:

ISD is continuing to work toward its goal of district-wide implementation of equitable and inclusive grading practices that reflect assessment aligned to Universal Design for Learning practices for inclusive and culturally responsive teaching. 

We are guided by the Issaquah School District Vision: All students thrive as they engage in meaningful learning that unlocks their passion and potential to positively impact the world; as well as purpose statements from Issaquah School District regulations on instructional programs:

Every student should have access to all academic and social-emotional learning supports that are necessary for them to achieve their full potential. Grading practices should be equitable and homework should meaningfully contribute to overall student learning.  (Executive Limitation 12)

The District should provide students with challenging and engaging opportunities for educational exploration, acceleration and remediation. The educational program should provide instructors with opportunities for differentiation and should be relevant to a broad range of students (Executive Limitation 14)

Equitable grading happens when grading practices accomplish the following (ideas borrowed from Grading for Equity, by Joe Feldman):

  • Encourages student ownership and agency for their achievement. 
  • Use a combination of grading techniques, weighting, and professional judgement that result in grades that accurately reflect the progress toward mastery of the essential skills and content of the course by the end of the grading period.
  • Encourage students to set and achieve their learning goal, providing opportunities for students to recover from setbacks and challenges.

This page provides resources for understanding the steps being taken to build our systematic capacity for equitable grading and strategies teachers can use to make equitable grading practices manageable.

Teacher Resources