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Homeschooling, also known as Home-Based Instruction, requires a completed Declaration of Intent for a child or children to receive home-based instruction in lieu of attendance or enrollment in a public school. This statement must be filed annually by September 15 or within two weeks of the beginning a trimester or semester in the Issaquah School District (ISD). This form should be submitted to the Teaching and Learning Services Department at the Issaquah Administration Center located at 5150 220th AVE SE, Issaquah, WA 98029. For more information about Home-Based Instruction please call 425-837-7094.

If your home based student is interested in participating in the Running Start Program, please contact Laura Norris at 425-837-7094.

Home based students interested in Issaquah School District athletics or co-curricular programs should contact the registrar in their home school.  

Additional Information

Important Consideration for High School Aged Students

The District does not accept home-based instruction for credit toward high school graduation from a District school. Home-based coursework that is not completed at an approved public or private school is not eligible to be added to the High School Transcript, does not change high school graduation requirements, and may not be used toward satisfaction of those requirements. A student’s expected year of graduation, or base grad year, is set upon entry into the ninth grade and advances one grade level per year whether or not the student subsequently receives home-based instruction.


Declaration of Intent

Request for Part-Time Attendance or Ancillary Services