Transition to Kindergarten
In This Section
Social Emotional
Manages Feelings
- Identifies feelings
- Starting to control strong emotions in an appropriate manner most of the time (or all) the time
- Starting to look at situations differently or delay gratification
Follows Limits and Expectations
- Understands and follows classroom and school expectations
- Manages classroom rules, routines, and transitions with reminders
Takes Care of Own Needs Appropriately
- Demonstrates confidence in meeting own needs (washing hands, bathroom, dressing, packing/unpacking backpack, etc.)
- Uses and takes care of materials appropriately
Plays Cooperatively
- Uses successful strategies for entering groups
- Interacts with a variety of peers in a positive manner
Balances Needs of Self and Others
- Takes turns and shares
- Starting to initiate the sharing of materials in the classroom and outdoors
Listens to and Understands Directions of Two or More Steps
- Follows directions that relate to familiar objects and experiences
- Starting to follow detailed, instructional, multistep directions
Speaks Clearly to Express Thoughts and Needs
- Is understood by most people; may mispronounce new, long, or unusual words
Engages in Conversations
- Engages in conversations of at least three exchanges
- Stays on topic during conversations
Holds Pencil with Three-Point Finger Grip
- Holds drawing and writing tools by using a three-point finger grip but may hold the instrument too close to one end
Uses Correct Scissors Grip
- Holds scissors correctly
- Cuts along straight lines and starting to cut out simple pictures and shapes, using the other hand to move paper
Demonstrates Traveling and Balancing Skills
- Moves purposefully from place to place with control
- Coordinates movements in play and games (gallop, run, jump, spin, etc.)
- Sustains balance during simple and some complex movements (hop on one foot, balance while walking across sandbox edge, etc.)
Attends and Engages
- Sustains interest in working on age-appropriate tasks
- Starting to ignore most distractions and interruptions
- Makes relevant contributions to class discussions
- Pursues a variety of appropriately challenging tasks
- Keeps trying and practices an activity multiple times
Thinks About Ways to Solve Problems
- Tries to solve problems in different ways
- Attempts to solve problems independently and asks for help when needed
Recognize and Recalls
- Recalls familiar people, places, objects, and actions from the past (a few months before)
- Starting to tell about experiences in order, provides details, and evaluates the experience
Sort Objects in One or More Ways
- Places objects in two or more groups based on differences in a single characteristic (e.g., color, size, or shape)
- Starting to objects by one characteristic, then regroups them using a different characteristic and indicate the reason
Demonstrates Phonological Awareness
- Demonstrates and understanding of rhyming words
- Starting to decide whether two words rhyme • Claps each syllable in a word
- Verbally blends parts of a word together (puts together foot and ball to say football)
Identifies and Names Upper and Lowercase Letters
- Recognizes and names 10 or more upper and lowercase letters, especially those in own name
Produces the Correct Sounds for Letters
- Starting to produce the sounds of a few letters
Uses Print Concepts and Emergent Reading Skills
- Starting to indicate where to start reading and the direction to follow (reads left to right, top to bottom)
- Shows awareness of various features of print (letters, words, spaces, upper- and lowercase letters, some punctuation)
- Pretends to read, using some of the language from the text, uses pictures to describe action across pages using reading-like intonation
Writes First Name
- Writes all the letters of own name (some of the letters might not be formed or oriented correctly at this age)
Forms Letters with Increasing Accuracy
- Attempts to follow steps to form letters accurately; starts forming the letter from the top (not from bottom-up
Counts to 20, Quantifies, and Connects Numerals with Quantities (0-10)
- Verbally counts to 20 or higher • Counts 10-20 objects accurately
- Tells what number comes next in order by counting (0-10)
- Makes set of 6-10 objects and describes the parts; identifies which part has more, less, or the same (equal)
- Counts all or counts on to find out how many
- Starting to identify numerals to 10 by name and connect each to counted objects
Names basic two-dimensional shapes and some three-dimensional shapes
- Names and describes basic two- and three-dimensional shapes
- Recognizes shapes when they are presented in a new orientation
Engages in Mathematical Practices: Problem Solving, Reasoning Communicating
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
- Constructs viable arguments and critiques the reasoning of others
- Models with mathematics
- Uses appropriate tool strategically
- Attends to precision
- Looks for and makes use of structure
- Looks for and expresses regularity in repeated reasoning
Visit to learn more about Mathematical Practices for preschool children
Understands skills and concepts related to scientific principles
- Asks questions about the world around them
- Observes and describes the world around them
- Seasonal changes
- Observing, describing, and recording weather changes
- Where do animals live?
- What do animals eat?
- What kinds of animals are pets? What are their characteristics?
- How do we care for animals?
- How can we plan and care for our garden?
- What grows in gardens?
- Who helps gardens grow?
- How do gardens help people and the environment
Social Studies
Understands skills and concepts related to social studies
- Develops basic awareness and appreciation of self and others
- Demonstrates understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities
Transition to Kindergarten: How can we make school a fun place to learn and play?
- What do we do at school?
- Who works at our school?
- What are our rules? Why do we need to follow them?
- How can we work well with others?
- How do we make and keep friends?
Respecting and Appreciating Ourselves and Others
- What makes me unique and special?
- How are we similar and different