Electives - Pine Lake Middle School
Taking elective classes allows you to explore new interests and broaden your areas of learning. This can improve the overall quality of your middle school education. School electives prepare you for tomorrow, setting the stage for new interests, college majors, and career paths.
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- Career and Technical Education
- Electives
An introduction to the fundamentals of woodworking while prioritizing safety, creativity and hands-on learning.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Career and Technical Education
- Electives
An introduction to the fundamentals of woodworking while prioritizing safety, creativity and hands-on learning.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Visual Arts
Explore various fabrics, threads, wool fibers and more.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Visual Arts
This course is designed to give students a wide variety of art experiences, including step-by-step drawing, painting, printmaking, crafts, and sculpture.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Visual Arts
This course develops the concepts, techniques and understanding of the Elements of Art through a variety of two-dimensional art projects.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
This class is for students who have completed both Beginning and Intermediate Band or who have significant prior experience on their instrument.
- 7th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
Beginning Woodwind is for students with no previous music reading or band experience who wish to learn an instrument.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
Beginning Brass is for students with no previous music reading or band experience who wish to learn an instrument.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
This is the highest level band offered at Pine Lake.
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
For students who love to sing! Or, who want to learn how! In this class, students sing in 2 parts and by the end of the year advance to some 3-part singing.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
For students who love to sing! Or, who want to learn how! Seventh and eighth grade students will sing in 4 parts.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
This is a performance-based class for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys who enjoy singing a variety of repertoire.
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
This class is a performing class for students to play Violin, Viola, Cello or Bass.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
This class is a performing class for 7th graders.
- 7th Grade
- Electives
- Performing Arts: Music
The eighth grade orchestra is a high profile, performance-based ensemble for students continuing their playing excellence on the violin, viola, cello or bass.
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
Come discover where your creativity and problem solving will lead you as you learn the foundations of computer science.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- General
This course builds on the basic knowledge of Python from Computer Science 1.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
This course builds on the basic knowledge of Python learned in Computer Science 1 & 2.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
For students who want an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills or just provide friendship in the LRC2 (Learning Resource Center 2) classroom.
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
Students will play a supportive role to help bridge gaps in learning for students with special needs (LRCII).
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
Integrated Projects is offered during Trimester 2 and takes place in the Woodshop.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
This trimester class will provide students with opportunity to learn and practice the skills of public speaking and debating in a fun and safe learning space.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
This trimester class takes speaking and debating to a competitive level.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- General
This trimester class takes speaking and debating to a competitive level.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Career and Technical Education
- Electives
In this class, 6th graders are introduced to the Woodshop.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- General
Students work to learn all aspects of publishing which includes accurate reporting and writing, effective photography and design, fair and equal representation, and professional communication skills.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Leadership
This course focuses on building skills in communication, group process, managerial, self-awareness, human relations, and project planning.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Leadership
Leadership class is a unique opportunity to be part of a group that helps to set the tone at school.
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Support
Read 180 is a multi-faceted class that gets students reading, writing, speaking, and thinking critically in all content areas.
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- Support
The strategies learned in this Study Skills Class help students identify the main idea and related details, organizational methods for useful notes, and visual cues to identify the most important content.
- 6th Grade
- Electives
- Support
The strategies learned in this Study Skills Class help students identify the main idea and related details, organizational methods for useful notes, and visual cues to identify the most important content.
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Electives
- World Languages
Spanish 1 is a yearlong class that provides an introduction to the culture and language of the Spanish-speaking world.
- 8th Grade