Requesting the i-Ready Family Report
You may request the Family Score Report provided by i-Ready by contacting your classroom teacher. Below is a sample report with explanation.
Interpreting the Report: what does this mean?
Here is how to interpret each element:
(a) blue bars on the graph correspond to the placement level (b)
(b) placement levels indicate how your student performed on each test in relation to their grade level
(c) the green shaded area indicates the range of scores that are on-grade level. If a student reaches these scores by the end of the year, they will have demonstrated that they have met grade level expectations overall. The green shaded area may be above or below the graph.
(d) The national norm percentile indicates how your student performed in relation to students in the same grade level nation-wide.
(e) The domain table shows how your student did in each domain. A domain is a topic or area being tested. See below to learn more about the i-Ready domains. For each domain you may see the following information:
Approaching Grade level
Student is working to show mastery of skills expected by the end of the grade level. It is appropriate and expected for students to score Approaching Grade Level much of the year. Staff monitor the growth of students approaching and design instruction to help them reach At Grade Level by the end of the year.
At Grade Level
Student is showing the level of proficiency expected by the end of the school year for the student's grade level.
Needs Improvement
Student is significantly below the expected level of proficiency. This score indicates to the teacher and family the need adjust instruction to address learning needs.
Max Score or Tested Out
Max Score means the student scored the highest available score.
Tested Out means a student has demonstrated a level of proficiency such that they were not tested in that domain.
- Phonological Awareness standards max out at the end of grade 1
- High Frequency Words standards max out at the end of grade 2
- Phonics standards max out at the end of grade 3