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Open Enrollment & Transfers

The following schools as CLOSED and are unable to accept transfers: 
- Issaquah High School 

- Liberty High School 

- Skyline High School 

 Beginning February 1, the Issaquah School District will be accepting Open Enrollment applications from students who wish to transfer schools at the beginning of the new school year. Open Enrollment applications can be completed by students within the District who wish to transfer schools within the District, students within the District who wish to attend a school in another District, or students who wish to transfer to Issaquah from another District.

The Open Enrollment application process is NOT for the following groups

  • Students who plan on attending their neighborhood school. Students are guaranteed enrollment at their neighborhood school, and can simply enroll by starting the online enrollment process on our New Student Enrollment webpage.
  • Students who have moved during the current school year. To update your address, please contact the registrar at your student's school with an updated Change of Address Form.
  • Students who are already approved for an in-district transfer.  Students automatically retain enrollment at the school within the grade span (grades K-5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12). 

Which schools are available?

 The Enrollment office will approve or deny transfer based on the following criteria:

  • Projected enrollment numbers for the building and specific grade at both the neighborhood school and requested school
  • Projected staffing levels
  • Building capacity

ISD Resident Students:

Applications to: 

Are NOT part of Open Enrollment. If your student is enrolled in MERLIN or Science Tech and has a sibling that wishes to attend the same school, the sibling must submit an application through Open Enrollment.

Closed Schools:

"Closed" schools are unable to accept transfers.  As a school's enrollment numbers reach capacity, we will move to a "closed" status. 

Transfer types and applications


A lottery and/or waiting list will be used if necessary.

Whenever the number of applicants exceeds the available transfer spaces at a particular grade level in a school, a lottery will be conducted after the close of the Open Enrollment period. The District Enrollment Office will maintain a waiting list for all schools if necessary. No waiting list will be carried over from year to year.

Transportation is NOT provided for Open Enrolled students.

Transportation is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Open Enrollment students may ride existing bus routes on a “space available” basis. Parents cannot be advised by the Transportation Department if there is space available until mid to late September.

Siblings have preference.

If the student who is applying has a sibling at the requested school, the applying sibling will have preference in admission providing that both siblings will attend the school together for a minimum of one year.

Open Enrollment for in-district transfers is required once per school.

When a student has been accepted through Open Enrollment as an in-district transfer, they may stay at the school as long as the student maintains good academic standing, have satisfactory attendance (no unexcused absences or excessive tardiness), and/or have no severe, ongoing, or pervasive disruptive behavior incidents or repeated misconduct. When it is time to go to the next school level (from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school) the student defaults back to their attendance area school. You must apply through Open Enrollment to request a different school at the next academic level.

Open Enrollment for inter-district transfers is required each school year.

When a student has been accepted through Open Enrollment as an inter-district transfer, they may stay at the school for the full academic year as long as the student maintains good academic standing, have satisfactory attendance (no unexcused absences or excessive tardiness), and/or have no severe, ongoing, or pervasive disruptive behavior incidents or repeated misconduct. A new application is required annually for consideration.

Open Enrolled students do not follow their new school’s feeder pattern.

When it is time to go to the next academic level (from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school) the student defaults back to their attendance area school. You must apply through Open Enrollment to request a different school.

Open Enrolled students entering 9th grade may participate in athletics.

If your student is going to a new school in 9th grade, they will be able to participate in athletics at the new school. If your student is transferring to a new school in 10th, 11th or 12th grades, they may not be eligible to participate in sports at the varsity level. Please review the Washington Interscholastic Athletics Association (WIAA) guidelines for eligibility.