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Foster Care

Social Workers and Foster Parents

The school will want a copy of the School Notification Form as soon as possible.

Requirements under Title I, Part A of ESEA as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act 

This requirement highlights the need to provide educational stability for children in foster care, with particular emphasis on collaboration between schools and child welfare agencies to ensure that students in foster care have the opportunity to achieve at the same high levels as their peers. These provisions emphasize the need for collaboration around transportation and also the importance of limiting educational disruption by keeping children who move in foster care (due to entering the foster care system or changing placements) in their schools of origin, unless it is determined to be in their best interest to change schools. These provisions also ensure that if it is not in their best interest to remain in their schools of origin, children in foster care are enrolled in their new schools without delay. 

Do you need assistance?

  • Contact your Building Point of Contact who is your Student’s School Counselor
  • If you are unable to reach your School Counselor, Contact Stacey Slyke, in Counseling & Student Well Being at 425-837-7157. 

Students’ Rights under Foster Care