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3131 - In-District Student Transfers

All District students are eligible to attend the neighborhood school that serves the attendance area where such students reside. Under this Regulation, students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) may also apply to transfer to any District school other than their neighborhood school during open enrollment through the month of February for the following school year.

In-district student transfer is only open to those students who are in good academic standing (no F grades and above 2.0 GPA), have satisfactory attendance (no unexcused absences or excessive tardiness), and have no severe behavior violations (i.e.suspensions). Siblings of students who are currently enrolled may be accepted for transfer to the same school provided the eligibility criteria for the transfer are also met by the sibling.

When a student has been accepted by a school other than their neighborhood school during the open enrollment period, the student may continue to attend the school throughout the entire grade span served by that school without reapplying if the student maintains satisfactory attendance, grades and behavior as described above. Students who fail to maintain satisfactory attendance, grades, and/or behavior while attending a school other than the student’s neighborhood school will be notified prior to the last day of the school year (1) of the District’s concerns that the student has not complied with specific eligibility requirements for school transfers, and (2) that the student will be required to reapply for an attendance transfer in subsequent school years. A student so notified may request a meeting with the appropriate building administrator to explain the reasons that he/she failed to comply with the eligibility requirements for an attendance transfer. If the District determines that the information provided by the student does not sufficiently explain or mitigate the student’s failure to comply with the eligibility requirements for an attendance area transfer, the student will be re-assigned to their neighborhood school for the following school year.

A student may return to their neighborhood school at the beginning of any school year by applying during the District open enrollment period.

Students who transfer outside of their neighborhood school attendance area must reapply to attend a school serving the next educational level, e.g., elementary to middle school or middle school to high school, if they wish to attend a school other than their neighborhood school.

Students may not change schools within the District after school has begun, except under extraordinary circumstances as determined by the District.

Parents are responsible for transportation and supervision to and from a school outside of their neighborhood attendance area.

The District central office retains the right to make exceptions to this Regulation upon review and for cause, as indicated in the procedures portion of this Regulation.



Last Revised:


Related Procedures:

Related Forms:

Cross References:


  • RCW 28A.225.225 Applications from nonresident students or students receiving home-based Instruction to attend District school - School employees’ children – Acceptance and rejection standards - Notification
  • RCW 28A.225.270 IntraDistrict enrollment options policies