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6602 - Routes and Schedules

The superintendent/designee shall be responsible for scheduling bus transportation, including the determination of routes and bus stops as well as overseeing the transportation program. The purpose of bus scheduling and routing is to achieve maximum service with a minimum fleet of buses insofar as this is consistent with rendering safe and reasonably equal service to all students entitled to such service. Routes and schedules will be established for the ensuing year and published. Bus schedules will also be available at each school building.

To operate the transportation system as safely and efficiently as possible, the following factors shall be considered in establishing bus routes:

  1. Location of bus stops is determined by such factors as student safety, economy and Students may be required to walk up to 1 mile from where their driveway or private road enters a publicly maintained road to their bus stop, provided that the walking route is safe.
  2. School schedules shall be adjusted to allow maximum utilization of each bus in the system by alternating elementary and secondary
  3. To maximize fleet efficiency and to meet program needs, multi-aged runs shall be used when feasible.

Routes, stops and loads shall be monitored constantly by the director of transportation to ensure proper, safe, economical and efficient service.

The District shall apply for state transportation apportionment funds and shall maintain the records required to obtain such funding.

A. Emergency Routes and Schedules

The District shall develop emergency bus routes and schedules to be used when weather conditions make the usual routes impassable or, in the superintendent's judgment, too hazardous. At the beginning of the school year, copies of emergency routes and schedules shall be distributed to parents with instructions on how to obtain emergency information.

If roads are closed to buses but not to private vehicles, the District may continue to operate the instructional programs of the schools without providing bus transportation until the roads are again open to buses.

B. Special Transportation

The following uses of District transportation are a privilege, not a right, and, except where bound by the terms of a lease, the District may revoke that privilege through official Board action at a regularly scheduled and legally advertised meeting. The superintendent shall have the authority to modify transportation services for school and extracurricular activities when the available fuel supply for regular transportation services appears to fall below the required level. Any staff member may deny transportation to any student who violates the District's written rules and regulations.

  1. School Activities

The District shall provide transportation for designated activities, which have been approved by the Board of Directors.

The use of charter buses for school activities shall be limited to trips outside of King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties. All charter buses will be requested through the Transportation Department. The user group will pay the full cost of the charter service. The superintendent or designee may authorize the use of charter buses when District transportation is not available or when extenuating circumstances exist.

  1. Extra-curricular Activities – Rooter Buses

The superintendent or designee may authorize transportation for rooter buses under the guidelines for school activities. Use of such services shall be limited to extra-curricular activities sponsored by the District and for students and supervisors attending the event.

  1. Cooperative Programs

The Board of directors may enter into cooperative transportation agreements with other Districts when it is economically advantageous to the cooperating Districts and when it does not impair the quality of educational programs available to students.

  1. Open Enrollment

Transportation is not provided for open enrollment. If space is available, temporary exceptions to this policy may be granted when open enrollment transportation can be provided on an existing regularly scheduled bus run without rerouting. When the space is no longer available, the temporary exception shall be canceled.

C. Other Uses of School Bus Transportation

  1. Parent Use

The superintendent is authorized to permit a parent, guardian or custodian of a student enrolled in school, to ride a bus when excess seating is available and private or other public transportation is not reasonably available.

  1. Public Use

The superintendent may authorize the transportation of members of the general public to school interscholastic activities through the use of a District bus, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Provision shall be made for the reimbursement and payment to the school District by such members of the general public of not less than the District's actual costs plus a reasonable fee for use of the bus.
  2. Before authorizing such transportation, the superintendent must determine that private transportation certified or licensed by the Utilities and Transportation Commission or public transportation is not reasonably available for use of the general public to travel to such interscholastic.



Last Revised:


Related Procedure:

Cross References:


  • RCW 28A.160 Student Transportation
  • RCW 28A.160.010 Operation of student transportation program - Responsibility of local District -
  • RCW 28A.160.020 Authorization for private school students to ride buses –
  • RCW 28A.160.030 Authorizing individual transportation or other arrangements.
  • RCW 28A.160.040 Lease of buses to transport children with disabilities and elderly
  • RCW 28A.160.070 Lease of buses to transport children with disabilities and elderly persons defined - Program limitation
  • RCW 28A.160.080 School buses, rental or lease for emergency purposes - Authorization
  • RCW 28A.160.100 School buses, transportation of general public to interscholastic activities -Limitations
  • RCW 28A.160.110 School buses, authorization for parent, guardian or custodian of a student to ride - Limitations
  • RCW 28A.160.120 Agreements with other governmental entities for transportation of public or other noncommon school purposes - Limitations
  • RCW 28A.335.060 Surplus school property - Rental, lease or use of - Disposition of moneys received from
  • RCW 28A.335.170 Contracts to provide pupil transportation services, lease building space and portable buildings, and rent or have maintained security systems, computers and other equipment
  • WAC 392-144 School Bus Driver Qualifications
  • WAC 392-141 Transportation - State allocation for operations
  • WAC 392-143 Transportation - Specifications for school buses
  • WAC 392-145 Transportation - Operation rules
  • WAC 392-172A-02095 Transportation – Special education