The Enrollment Verification Process (EVP) needs to be completed for each student that will be enrolled in an ISD school during the upcoming school year. This is an opportunity to confirm your student's enrollment for the upcoming school year, complete and submit required annual forms, and verify that your student and family information on record is up to date.
Dates: August 7 - 13, 2024
EVP is available in Family Access for the family that lives at the student's primary residence. If you believe you should have access to complete the EVP and do you do not see this option available during the date range above, please reach out to the registrar at your student's school for assistance.
1. You must have a parent or guardian account in Family Access to verify your students. You can find out more about Family Access on our Family Access webpage. EVP cannot be accessed using a Student Access account. If your student has more than one family, only the parent(s) or guardian(s) at the student’s primary residence will have access to the EVP. If you have forgotten your Family Access Login ID and/or password, click on the "Forgot your Login/Password?" link to receive an email (to the email address of record) with your Login ID and a link to reset your password.
2. Determine how you would like to pay for any fines, fees, memberships, or lunch accounts:
To pay online, please have a credit card ready.
To pay by cash or check, please bring payment to the main office of your school.
Log in to your Family Access account by entering your parent/guardian Login ID and Password and clicking Sign In. After logging in, you may close the login screen if it remains open.
You can enter the EVP either by clicking on the Go to Enrollment Verification Process link that is available on homescreen or by selecting Enrollment Verification Process in the left menu. There will be a separate link to the process for each student in your family. If you do not see the Enrollment Verification Process option, please contact your student's school.
Read the District Message that explains the EVP and the statement about Electronic Signatures. To begin the EVP, click on Step 1 in the right menu: Confirm My Student's Enrollment Status.
Each step of the EVP will have direction at the top of the page that will explain what needs to be done for each step. The first step is confirming that your student will be attending their school this fall. If you student will be attending, select Yes from the dropdown menu. If your student will not be attending, select No and contact your student's school to withdraw them. If your student will not be enrolled in any schools in the ISD and will not be receiving any services from the district, you do not need to continue the EVP past this point. If your student will be attending, select Complete Step 1 and move to Step 2a to continue the process.
Step 2 will allow you to review your phone numbers on record and review the Emergency Contacts for your student. You can edit your phone numbers yourself in step 2a, but any changes to Emergency Contact will need to be sent to the registrar. This includes adding, deleting, changing the order, or changing their contact information. Click on Contact Us at the top of the screen if you would like to make any changes to your student's Emergency Contacts.
There will be many forms to fill out during EVP. The best way to view a form will be by selecting View Full Screen.
Once in Full Screen mode, the buttons will move to the top of the page. After you complete the form, you can either click Print to run a copy to save for your own records, Complete this step and move to the next step to continue the EVP while still in Full Screen mode, or you can Exit Full Screen.
There will be 3 steps in EVP that include a link: The Free and Reduced Lunch application, Pay Online, and the Parent Survey. This link will need to be clicked before you can continue to the next step of the EVP.
Here you may login to take a look at your student's fines/fees. Likewise, if you are on the Free and Reduced Lunch application or Parent Survey step and it is not applicable to you, you can close the new window that opened and return to the EVP.
After the hyperlink has been selected, the button to complete the step will activate and you can continue.
Once all steps have been complete, you will have the chance to review all the steps in the EVP. If every step has been completed, you will see "Completed" next to the name of the step and the Submit Enrollment Verification Process button will be active at the bottom of the screen. If the button is not activated, a step was not completed. You can jump directly to any step that does not have a "Completed" designation by clicking on the links on the right side of the page. Make sure to click on the "Complete This Step" button on each page to have it marked as "Complete". Once you are finished, click Submit Enrollment Verification Process.
You will receive an email confirmation once your student's EVP has been officially submitted.
The forms below are all a part of the Enrollment Verification Process. If you are unable to fill these out online, please review the forms linked below: