Program Information
Questions & Answers
- Attendance
- Behavior Guidelines
- Challenging Needs
- Hours of Operations
- Illness & COVID Mitigation
- Medications & Allergies
- Program Calendar
- Sample Activity and Snack Calendars
- School Closures and Weather Closures & Delays
- Parents are required to sign their children in and out of the site with their legal name.
- Sign in / out procedures are in place to monitor attendance. In the event of an emergency, the attendance form is the quickest way to account for the children at the site.
- Parents are responsible for delivering and picking up their children from the Before & After School Care program. No transportation by vehicle is provided to or from our sites.
- Parents are responsible for giving proper notification to the Site Coordinator if their child will be absent from a session.
- Parents are responsible for notifying the Site Coordinator if another authorized individual will be picking their child up from the site.
- Children will only be released to authorized individuals. Always be prepared to provide photo identification.
Please notify the Site Coordinator of any additional before or after school activity your child is participating in. All children enrolled in before or after school sports, scouts, PTSA enrichment classes or other must check in at the site before attending the class or activity.
Behavior Guidelines
In order to promote a safe, stimulating environment for all children and staff, each site will have guidelines that include behavior expectations consistent with those of the Issaquah School District. Should a child display behavior that jeopardizes the safety or security of themselves or others, our team will contact the child’s parent or guardian, and request that the child be removed from the program for that day. Additional removals may follow as warranted. Upon the child’s return, a family conference may take place to develop a plan for improving behavior. Repeated removals from the program could result in termination of care.
The B.A.S.C. program provides a quality experience for most children. However, it may not be the most appropriate childcare experience for every child, or for the same child at different stages of their development. The B.A.S.C. program reserves the right to dismiss any child if that child’s needs cannot be met due to either undue burden or because the child’s continued enrollment causes a fundamental alteration to the nature of the B.A.S.C. program, including but not limited to a determination that a child poses a threat or danger to themselves, others, or property.
Challenging Needs
When a contract is submitted to enroll a child with identified special needs, parents will be contacted for a pre-enrollment consultation to determine whether and how the Before and After School Care program can meet the child’s needs with or without necessary accommodation(s).
The enrollment contract allows parents to identify chronic health conditions including allergies.
The BASC program will work with the family and other resource persons to make this determination before identifying a start date.
Hours of Operations
Illness & COVID Mitigation
The Before and After School Care program follows the illness and COVID mitigation guidelines and policies set forth by the Issaquah School District and the Washington State Department of Health.
Is My Child Too Sick to Go to School? - Issaquah School District 411
Children who are ill may not attend BASC. Please communicate all absences to your Site Coordinator, in addition to your home school.
Medications & Allergies
Review this information carefully if your child has a life threatening allergy or other condition that may require medication to be administered while participating in the Before and After School Care (BASC) program.
- General Guidelines
- BASC does not have access to the school’s health room and will need a separate set of medications
- Parents are responsible for delivering their child’s medication to the site
- Children with life threatening conditions may not attend BASC until their medication is on site, along with the appropriate paperwork
- BASC Team Members may not administer any medications without the proper ISD paperwork in place
- Medication
- Includes all prescription and over the counter medication
- Must be in the original container with the prescription label
- Must be current (not expired)
- Must be signed in / out of the site, allow extra time when providing medications or picking up
- Medication for summer camp must be current through the last day of summer camp
- Mandatory Paperwork
- All paperwork (orders) must be vetted by an Issaquah School District nurse
- An Authorization to Administer Medication form is required for all medication (over the counter or prescription), signed by the child’s licensed health care provider, ISD nurse, and parent
- An Allergy Action Plan is required for all medications prescribed to treat life threatening conditions, signed by the child’s licensed health care provider, ISD nurse, and parent
- An Asthma Emergency Care Plan is required for medications prescribed to treat asthma, signed by the child's licensed health care provider, ISD nurse, and parent
Program Calendar
Sample Activity and Snack Calendars
School Closures and Weather Closures & Delays
The Before and After School Care program operates under the Issaquah School District and will thus follow the same emergency and inclement weather procedures. Issaquah School District's website announces updates on the top of its home page.
Emergency Weather Closures and Delays - Issaquah School District 411 (
- If Issaquah School District schools are closed for the day, BASC will also be closed.
- If Issaquah School District schools will be closing early, families will be contacted to pick up their children as soon as possible.
- If Issaquah School District schools will be operating on a late start schedule, BASC will open at the following times:
- 1 hour delay - BASC opens at 8:30 AM
- 2 hour delay - BASC opens at 9:30 AM
Late start and school closures are usually determined very early and are announced by the Issaquah School District and local news media beginning at 5:00 am. If you feel that inclement weather may cause hazardous travel conditions, continue to listen to the local news media throughout the day and visit the Issaquah School District website for announcements.
You may also call the Issaquah School District general information number (425-837-7000) for a recorded announcement regarding late starts and closures.
Emergency Weather Closures and Delays - Issaquah School District 411