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Suicide Prevention Resources

Family members, caregivers, schools and communities can all play an important role in suicide prevention, and can be involved in many ways.  We can all build positive protective factors for others by fostering supportive relationships, teaching and encouraging coping skills, and connecting to health care. We can all also provide support and take steps to help keep a person safe during periods of crisis.

Although the underlying causes to suicidal thoughts and attempts can seem overwhelming, there are several steps you can take to help with prevention efforts.

Forefront Suicide Prevention Center at the University of Washington provides this information to help you recognize when someone may be at risk for suicide and how to connect them with immediate help.  LEARN is an easy way to remember the five steps. 

The LEARN Steps

Immediate danger?
Call  9-1-1.

Experiencing a crisis?

Please contact one of the following helplines: 

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • King County local 24/7 Crisis Line (suicide, mental health, substance use): 800-621-4636
  • Crisis Text Line: text “Heal” to 741-741
  • Trevor Project (specifically for the LGBTQ+ community): 1-866-488-7386

Safe Medication Storage & Disposal

Safe Storage of firearms