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Dual Language Immersion Program

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Creating bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural learners

The Issaquah School District offers an academically rigorous and enriching Spanish/English Dual Language Program at Issaquah Valley Elementary School. Issaquah’s Spanish-English Dual Language Program, also known as two-way immersion, uses a 50:50 model. Fifty percent of the instruction occurs in English and fifty percent of the instruction is provided in Spanish. The program strives to balance the number of students in each class with half who are Spanish dominant speakers and half who are English dominant speakers. Social and academic learning occurs in an environment that values the language and culture of all students, ensures access to the same rigorous grade level standards as their peers, and sets high standards to ultimately achieve academic success in both Spanish and English.

Our program currently serves students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Additional grade levels will be added each year with plans to continue dual language offerings into middle and high school. Non-native Spanish speaking students are encouraged to apply in Kindergarten as the program develops language skills progressively. Participation in the program is a long-term commitment. All ISD families are welcome to apply for the program during the kindergarten registration window; enrollment priority is provided to siblings of current students in the program and families living within the Issaquah Valley Elementary School attendance area.

Dual Language Program Goals

Students in dual language programs are presented with the social and cognitive benefits of bilingualism. They gain a second language, a broader vocabulary, and multiple views of the world. Issaquah School District’s Dual Language Program holds the following goals:

  • Developing bilingualism, biliteracy and biculturalism—promoting cross-cultural understanding and skills
  • Developing high levels of linguistic proficiency in Spanish and English
  • Achieving grade level academic performance in Spanish and English
  • Strengthening each child’s self-esteem

Apply to the Dual Language Program 



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Issaquah Valley Elementary

555 NW Holly St, Issaquah, WA 98027

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Contact Us

Issaquah Elementary Education Department-Elementary Special Programs
Dulce Rodriguez

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