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Kindergarten Registration

2025-26 Incoming Kindergarten Registration 

It is an exciting time of year as the Issaquah School District begins to reach out to our community in preparation of welcoming the incoming Kindergarten at their neighborhood school. The Issaquah School District offers full day Kindergarten at no cost to all students. If you have a child who will be a kindergartener for the 2025-2026, please visit the ISD New Student Enrollment website. Students who are turning 5 years old by August 31, 2025, are eligible for enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year.

Schools plan to meet with incoming Kindergarten families in February and March 2025. Schools will share this information in their electronic bulletins and on their website. Connect with your neighborhood school for more details about that meeting. This meeting will prepare families to complete the online registration. Registration begins March 12, 2025. Please visit the ISD New Student Enrollment website to begin your incoming kindergartner's registration. Once the online portion is complete, you will work with your neighborhood school to complete the enrollment process. If you cannot access the online application, please call or visit your neighborhood school for assistance.

  • Please Note: Students in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) ProgramSLP Program, Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP), and those previously evaluated by Special Services (ex. Childfind) must still complete the online kindergarten enrollment process to register for kindergarten. Please start the process as though you are a new student to the Issaquah School District.
  • Students in Transition to Kindergarten (TK), do not need to complete the online kindergarten registration process to register. Your child will be automatically registered in our system to attend their neighborhood school when they start kindergarten in the fall.

School offices are open from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to assist you. Please note for your convenience, arrival and dismissal times are very high traffic times for the school office. Picking up or submitting required documents at this time may result in longer wait times.

All incoming kindergartners are registering at their neighborhood school. The Issaquah School District doesn't allow for families to choose the school their students attend. Your neighborhood school is determined by your home address.

Don't know your neighborhood school? The ISD Transportation Department will be able to assist you in identifying your neighborhood school. Contact Transportation (email) or (phone) 425-837-6330.

For more information about kindergarten, visit our Kindergarten FAQ webpage.

Things to remember

  • To enroll a student in kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year, a child must turn 5 years old by August 31, 2025.
  • A half day, morning kindergarten option will be available for families. Half day kindergarten students may still ride the bus in the morning. However, parents or guardians will be responsible for picking their child up at the end of the three-hour, half-day morning session.
  • Required Documentation: Parents/Guardians are required to provide, and return, the following documents to their neighborhood school to finish the registration process:
    1. Parent identification
    2. Proof of birth date (birth certificate or passport)
    3. PSE Bill - no older than 30 days.
    4. ONE of the following:
      • Home purchase papers or property tax statement
      • Lease/Rental agreement (original) on company letterhead.
      • Notarized verification of proof of residency
  • You have successfully completed the kindergarten registration process when the online registration is completed and your neighborhood school has received all required documents.

Kindergarten Timeline 

Kindergarten Transportation

New kindergarten students are invited to ride a school bus at Kindergarten Bus Rides during the summer. This popular event gives students and parents a chance to learn about school bus safety and etiquette, meet some of the bus drivers and take a ride on a school bus. Visit ourkindergarten transportation webpagefor more information.

Kindergarten Questions?

Your neighborhood school has made plans to welcome you!

Informational packets with additional registration materials are available in your school’s office beginning in early February 2024.

Please refer to your neighborhood school below for detailed information regarding activities and events they have planned to welcome incoming kindergarten families.

Click below for school specific kindergarten Information.

Apollo Elementary Logo - icon only

Apollo Elementary

Visit the Apollo Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Challenger Elementary Logo - icon only

Challenger Elementary

Visit the Challenger Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Discovery Elementary Logo - icon only

Discovery Elementary

Visit the Discovery Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Maple Hills Elementary Logo - icon only

Maple Hills Elementary

Visit the Maple Hills Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Briarwood Logo - icon only

Briarwood Elementary

Visit the Briarwood Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Clark Elementary Logo - icon only

Clark Elementary

Visit the Clark Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Endeavour Elementary Logo - icon only

Endeavour Elementary

Visit the Endeavour Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Newcastle Elementary logo - icon only

Newcastle Elementary

Visit the Newcastle Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Cascade Ridge Elementary Logo - icon only

Cascade Ridge Elementary

Visit the Cascade Ridge Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Cougar Ridge Elementary Logo - icon only

Cougar Ridge Elementary

Visit the Cougar Ridge Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Grand Ridge Elementary Logo - icon only

Grand Ridge Elementary

Visit the Grand Ridge Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Sunny Hills Elementary logo - icon only

Sunny Hills Elementary

Visit the Sunny Hills Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Cedar Trails Elementary Logo - icon only

Cedar Trails Elementary

Visit the Cedar Trails Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Creekside Elementary Logo - icon only

Creekside Elementary

Visit the Creekside Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Issaquah Valley Elementary Logo - icon only

Issaquah Valley Elementary

Visit the Issaquah Valley Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.

Sunset Elementary Logo - icon only

Sunset Elementary

Visit the Sunset Elementary Kindergarten Information webpage.