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Family Partnerships

Welcome to the ISD with multiple languages represented

The Issaquah School District supports students’ success by supporting families. 

To eliminate barriers and provide full access to all the educational opportunities in our district, we provide families supports such as Parent Workshops, access to Family Liaisons and resources to help staff better support our students and families.

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Cultural and Family Partnerships logo
families meeting in computer lab to complete online verification in August

Our Work

School systems can be hard to understand for many families, especially those not familiar with US school systems. Our district supports a growing culturally and linguistically diverse community. The Family Partnership Team can provide answers and support. Our aim is to connect with families and offer resources.

multiple handouts on table in various languages


Families can find information in various languages, including Chinese, Spanish and Korean, as well as links to the Issaquah Schools Foundation's Cultural Bridges Magazine.

people holding hands in a circle

Family Liaisons

Many parents have questions such as who to contact with student concerns, what the class choices are, what requirements are expected for graduation and classroom expectations. The Family Liaisons help families understand and navigate our school system.

student typing at laptop

Equity Mission and Work

We are dedicated to identifying and removing bias and systemic and institutional barriers that create marginalized and disproportionality in student achievement and their well-being.

parents sitting in multi purpose room at parent event

Parent Events and Workshops

The Family Partnership Staff organizes and runs events to help parents better understand and access programs and procedures in the ISD. We also support parents in using Family Access, Canvas and Clever. Workshops are available in English, Chinese, Spanish and other languages upon request.

candles lit against a black background

Religion and Culture

Our calendar provides insight into the diversity of our school community. We have highlighted the many religious and cultural observances celebrated within our community. Check it out.


Alaina Sivadasan
Executive Director of Equity, 
Belonging, and Family Partnership
      Susie Yamane
Administrative Assistant
      Lorna Gilmour
Equity and Family Partnerships Specialist
Liliana Medina (Español)
Family Partnership Liaison
πŸ“ž: 425-837-7141
πŸ—¨οΈ: 425-331-9555
Cell Phone: 425-651-5170
  Wenli Mithal (δΈ­ζ–‡)
Family Partnership Liaison
πŸ“ž: 425-837-7106
πŸ—¨οΈ: 978-252-3686
Cell Phone: 425-651-5205
  Lina Marin (Español)
Family Partnership Liaison
πŸ“ž: 425-837-7008
πŸ—¨οΈ: 252-563-3498
Cell Phone: 425-651-9245