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Login Instructions for Secondary Students

Issaquah School District- Login Instructions for District Laptops, Canvas, Outlook, Office365 and Classlink

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District Laptop/Computer Login Grades 6-12

Student usernames are the first four letters of last name followed by first three letters of first name plus two digit High School graduation year.

Example for a student named John Smith, graduating in 2030: SmitJoh30

Example for student Jo Lee graduating in 2030: LeeJo30

District Laptop/Computer Password Grades 6-12

Student passwords have been reset to the 7-digit student ID number. Student ID numbers that begin with a zero (0) must include the 0.

ISD assigned laptops, Office365 and Classlink – password is student ID number

The 7-digit student ID number can be found in Family Access.
Left side navigation bar under Student Info tab. Student ID listed as Other ID
Student ID number can be found on your ASB card from last year or on Family Access

If you need help with your Family Access Password and Username – Contact school registrar

Canvas for student

This year teachers will use Canvas, a Learning Management System, to facilitate teaching and learning activities, post links to live class sessions, and share videos of recorded lessons. Canvas is the starting point for students, staff, and families to access all course materials. Students may be asked to use additional apps, online textbooks, and tools, however, the information for those tools will be provided within Canvas.

Username: Same as the student network/computer username. (See above)

Passwords: The 7-digit student ID number followed by ISD (in capital letters). Example: 1234567ISD

Students may login to Canvas anytime between now and the start of school to verify their account. However, classes will not appear on the student Dashboard until the first day of school.

Canvas for Parents and Guardians

In addition to student Canvas accounts, parents have an ‘observer’ role in Canvas. This role will link parents to their student(s) courses within Canvas. Parent access will be available by September 1. Parents can learn more about Canvas by vising our Canvas for Parents & Guardians 101

Parent access link to Canvas
Username: parent email as listed in Skyward
Password: Click “Forgot password” to create your password. Once logged in, your student(s) classes will show on the Dashboard starting August 28.

Resources and Supports for Parents and Students

The district has created a student and parent support page with tutorials, videos and login information.

Resources will be added to this site in the coming weeks. Students may also visit Canvas for Students 101


Canvas help for families:

Support on using ISD Learning Management Systems (Canvas, Office365 or Classlink)

Teachers will be teaching and training students on how to use the Learning management Systems the first weeks of school.

Communicating with your child’s classroom teacher

Students and families may access their teacher in the following ways:

  • Via email (every student is issued an ISD student email and Office 365 account)
  • Via the LMS. Our Learning Management Systems have built-in ways to contact the teacher
  • Phone/voice message: Teachers will have either their ISD phone or will provide another phone contact in their course information
  • Office Hours: Teachers will be available at times during the week for phone or video conferencing
  • By appointment: Teachers will be available for phone or video appointments
  • Please email the teacher if you need to communicate using an interpreter (provided at no cost to the parent)

Class schedule

Grades 6-8 – Student schedules and teacher information will be provided on August 28. Log into Canvas before September 1 to verify your account.

Any student needing help with logging in can email

ISD Equipment Technology Support

Technical problems with the laptop (cannot log-in, other device problems) – follow your school procedure which can include reporting the problem to your teacher for further direction.