To begin the Course Request Process, sign in to Student Access.
Login: First 4 letters of your last name followed by first 3 letters of your first name and then year student will graduate.
Example: Molly Evans graduating in 2030 Login: evanmol30
Jo Liu graduating in 2030 Login: liujo30 (no spaces or hyphen needed)
Middle and high school students, if you need to have your password reset, please contact the registrar at your school.
5th grade students received their Login and Passwords at school before the Course Request process began.
To Add Requests:
1. From the Home tab, select “Schedule” from the menu on the left.
2. From the Schedule screen, click on View Available Courses for 2023-2024.
3. From the courses available on the left “Available courses of ___”, click on a class you would like to select. Once the class is highlighted, click “Add Course”. Depending on the school, you may already see courses that you have been preregistered for in the “Selected Courses” box.
4. Once the course has been added, it will be visible in the Selected Courses column and you will see the total number of credits selected. Continue this process until you have added all your courses. The number of Total Credits will vary per school and grade level.
To Add Alternatives:
1. After all Course Requests have been made in the tab for Request Courses, click on Request Alternates at the top of the page.
2. All courses that were previously selected as requests have been given the priority R and cannot be changed from this page. To select an alternative course, click on a course from the left side of the screen in section “Available Alternate Courses” and click Add Course.
3. When more than one course is added, the course priority can be set by clicking on the green arrow keys to move the courses up and down in the list. You can add up to the maximum number of assigned courses, which will be visible at the bottom of the screen and will vary by school.
To Finish Course Request Process:
1. When all of the alternative courses have all been selected, click the X in the top right corner of the window to save the course requests and alternative requests you made. Clicking on the X will save your requests and end the session. You may reenter this program to change your requests at any time during the Course Request time
The computer saves automatically, so there is no ‘finish’ or ‘save’ button. You just close the box on the screen.
Students can make changes to the courses requested while the Course Request Process is open.
- In late August, students will be able to log back into Student Access to view their FINAL schedule (does not reflect their daily schedule by period, just the list of courses selected for the year).
- Schools will only changes classes if a student was placed in the wrong level of a class or if there is a missing core class in their schedule
Middle school elective
Elective classes chosen are “requests” only. Students may be given classes selected as an “alternative.”
Band, Orchestra and Chorus classes requested will be assigned to the students.
For High School Course Request Process
It is VERY important to pick the classes the students actually want for next year. There will be very little opportunity to change and select different ones in the future.
It is very important to pick alternate classes since some classes fill up, may get cancelled or change before school starts next year.