Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences - Elementary Grades K-5
On October 15, 2024 the Cultural and Family Partnership team hosted the "Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences" workshop for elementary school families.
This event is designed for families who are unfamiliar with Parent-Teacher Conferences. Topics included how to have a productive dialogue with teachers at conferences; how to schedule a conference; norms at conferences; how to prepare for the conference meeting and suggested questions to ask teachers at conferences.
This event will be held again in October 2025.
Presentation Transcripts
Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences
Click here for link to PPT
Presented by – Equity and Family Partnership Departments
Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences at Elementary School
What are Parent Teacher Conferences?
20 minutes (longer with an interpreter)
In classroom with teacher
One to one conversation with teacher
November 8th and 9th (usually between 8 am to 4 pm)
Discussion regarding child’s academic, social/emotional and behavior progress
In-person meeting are most common but parents can also ask for Zoom or phone meeting.
Why is this important?
Only one scheduled/planned conference date per year
Parent can partner with the school in your child’s education.
Share information with teacher.
Learn what you can do to support your student
Ask questions you may have of the teacher.
Conference is a check-in between parent and teacher regarding child's progress at school.
Student Led Conferences (Grades 4-5)
For students in grades K to 3, conferences are between the parent and teacher. Students are not invited to the conference meeting.
Conferences in grades 4 and 5 often are Student-Led conferences
Student with teacher supervision, creates and presents information at the conference.
Child will share their work with you
Find out if your school has a Student Led Conference in 4th and 5th grade
You can still ask the teacher information and have a discussion with the teacher as time permits.
What is discussed?
Teacher will share child’s academic, behavioral and social progress.
Opportunity for parent to share goals/concerns and ask questions.
Preparing for the conference – talk to your child
Talk to your child before the conference. Here are some questions to discuss with your child:
What do you like about school? What subject or lessons do you like the most?
What do you think you are good at?
What does the teacher do that helps you?
What are students like in your class? Who do you like to work or play with?
Preparing for the conference – brainstorm questions to ask the teacher
Consider what questions you would like to ask the teacher or topics to discuss at the parent-teacher conference (meeting). Here are some things you could discuss with the teacher:
What your child enjoys about school and the classroom?
What is most challenging for your child in the class.?
What are your child’s strengths and what are areas that are difficult?
What has helped your child learn successfully in the past.?
Tip to help you remember your questions at the conference:
Write down 2-3 questions or topics you want to discuss on a note pad or your mobile device.
Preparing for the conference – review student progress
Look for any student progress or work the teacher may have sent home in the backpack – “Take home” folder.
Review i-Ready Math and Reading scores for students in grades 1-5.
i-Ready scores are accessible in Family Access in the “Test Score” tab on the left. The last i-Ready scores as well as scores from previous years are accessible.
If possible, be aware of learning goals, experiences and progression for the grade level Elementary School Learning - Issaquah School District 411 (
For first to fifth grade students:
If scores are below 3.0 or L3, it is important to talk to teacher as to what teacher is doing to support student or what you can do to support your child at home.
L2 and scores below 3.0 indicate that student is below “Grade level” – or the level they currently need to be at.
Preparing for the conference - interpreters and childcare
If you need an interpreter, ask the teacher before the conference date.
Interpreters are available at no cost to the parent
Be sure to find childcare for the conference time, children in grades K-3 are not invited to the meeting. (Reminder no school on conference days.)
At the conference
Be on time or be 5 min early if possible (all conferences have set schedule start time)
Teacher will start meeting
Find out if other teachers will attend meeting? MLL, Special Ed, Title LAP, etc – support teachers
Let the teacher know that you have questions as you start the meeting.
Ask question as needed as you discuss best ways to support your child.
Parent Participation is Key
After the conference
Talk with your child about the conference and what you learned (especially the positive)
Let your child know about any goals or plans you made with the teacher to help support their learning
Follow up with questions or check the child’s progress (monthly or every other month if you had some concerns)
Talk to your child about what they did at school, check backpack, teacher website, Family Access posts
Join PTA – opportunities to volunteer in the classroom, at school and learn more about schools from other parents
General Reminders for Conferences
Be sure to attend the meeting ON TIME – teachers have back to back meetings so if you are late, YOUR time is short or no meeting that day.
Step by step instructions to sign up. Elementary Teacher Conferences - Issaquah School District 411 (
If needed, contact the teacher in a few months to request a meeting if you have questions about your child’s progress or to do a check in meeting.
The school does not have any other official teacher conferences scheduled for the year – parents need to initiate contact and make request.
Contact a Family Liaison to get help to sign up for a conference or to ensure you have an interpreter at the meeting.