Appeal Procedure
The Issaquah School District, in compliance with the Washington State rules for Highly Capable Programs (WAC 392-170-076), has an appeal process.
Screening decisions and/or placement decisions are not subject to appeal; however, appeals of the selection decision may be filed based on one of the following criteria:
- An extraordinary circumstance occurred during the testing period (such as a death in the family or extreme physical ailment) that may negatively affect the validity if the test results. Notification to the district in writing within two weeks of the end of the testing window is appreciated to support the appeal process.
- The suspicion of an error in the administration of the assessment.
- A misapplication, miscalculation, or misinterpretation of the scores.
To file an appeal use the Selection Decision Appeal Form. The form must be completed and returned to the district office within ten (10) business days following the notification of score results.