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Language Access Plan

The Issaquah School district offers free language services to individuals with limited English proficiency.

Know Your Rights

Parent and Guardian Rights in Terms of Language Access.

Parents and guardians have the right to receive important information from schools in a language they can understand. Issaquah School District must provide interpretation and/or translation services, when needed, to communicate with parents who have limited English (including parents with limited speaking, listening, reading or writing fluency in English).

More information about Language Access Rights can be found at the following links:


These Are Your Rights

Under state and federal civil rights laws, you have the right to access information in your language. Please know that the school may not retaliate against you or your child for sharing concerns or filing a complaint.

Language Access Plan Guide


Changing Language Settings

How to Change Language Settings on the District and School Website 
  1. Open the district or school website 
  2. Click the Earth icon or “English” at the top right corner 
  3. A drop-down menu will appear 
  4. Select your language from the list 

View How to Change Language Settings

How to Change YouTube Closed Caption (CC) Language Using Auto-Translate 
  1. Play a video 
  2. Click CC to enable captions 
  3. Click the gear icon 
  4. Click Subtitles/CC 
  5. Select Auto-translate 
  6. Choose the language you want. 

View How to Change YouTube Closed Caption (CC) Language

Language Access Survey for Families

If you have used language services provided by the school district, please participate in a short survey.


Please rate and share your experience with the interpretation and translation service you received through the district. We value your feedback and input. Thank you.
1. Which language services did you use?requiredPlease select all applicable services.
Please select all applicable services.
2. What language do you speak?required
3. Meeting Typerequired
4. The interpreter interpreted everything that was said.required
5. Was the school staff speaking to you?required
6. How well did you understand the information presented?required
7. Would you use the service again?required
8. Was the language service helpful for you?required
9. How would you rate your experience with interpretation and translation service?required

District Contacts

Mayumi Johnson

Language Access Coordinator
Phone: 425-837-7217