Online Learning
Contact Information
Stephanie Grayson
Online Learning Coordinator
Carrie Reckling
Online Learning Specialist
Emily Tam
Online Learning Registrar
Since 2012, Online Learning has served students in grades 5-12 who reside in Issaquah School District. We provide students with an opportunity to take high school level, middle school level and elementary school level courses online. The flexibility of our Online Learning program empowers students to take control of their learning in an asynchronous (self-directed) environment. To help facilitate the learning process and provide support, students are assigned to a Washington state certified teacher and an ISD mentor, while also having access to online tutors and their ISD counselor. Students can take 1-2 semester long online learning courses each semester, with a maximum of 8 total online learning courses (4 credits) during their high school career. Please reach out to us and/or explore our site if you are interested in ISD Online Learning!
Online Learning Announcements
Middle and high school students are eligible to take online learning courses in: Art, English, Math, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies and World Language. Applications for the second spring start date will be accepted through January 31.
- High School
- Middle School
- Online Learning
Middle and high school students can take online learning courses in: Art, Electives, English, Math, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies and World Language. Courses can be taken within a student’s schedule or in addition to a student’s schedule. Applications are accepted through Jan. 8, 2025.
- High School
- Middle School
- Online Learning
Middle and high school students can take online learning courses in: Art, Electives, English, Math, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies and World Language. Courses can be taken within a student’s schedule or in addition to a student’s schedule. Applications are accepted through Jan. 8, 2025.
- High School
- Middle School
- Online Learning
Applications are open for middle and high school students for fall 2024. Courses can be taken within a student's schedule or in addition to a student's schedule. Applications will be accepted through September 13, 2024.
- Online Learning
Middle and high school students are eligible to take online learning courses in: Art, English, Math, PE, Science, Social Studies, and World Language. Applications will be accepted through June 14, 2024, for our first start date, September 6.
- High School
- Middle School
- Online Learning