Online Learning - Spring 2025
Overview of Online Learning Testing
High School Level Courses: Students in grades 7-12 who are taking a high school level course will take their Unit and Final Test in person with an ISD teacher proctor during designated testing sessions. Students can expect to have at least six (6) unit tests and one (1) final test. Students will be required to sign up. Electives will have a final test that will need to be taken in person.
Middle School Level Courses: Students in grades 5-8 who are taking a middle school level course do not have unit tests or a final test. All coursework is remote.
5th Grade Level Courses: Students in grade 5 who are taking a 5th grade level course do not have unit tests or a final test. All coursework is remote.
Testing Sign-ups will go live on Monday, February 10 at 10am.
Testing Schedule (Unit Tests & Final Test)
- Location: Skyline High School
- Room: 2402
- Testing Session: 3pm-4pm
- Sign-ups required (click link)
- Dates: Every Monday except holidays and breaks
- First day of testing will be Monday, February 24
- Location: Issaquah High School
- Room: 3104
- Testing Session: 3pm-4pm
- Sign-ups required (click link)
- Dates: Every Tuesday except holidays and breaks
- First day of testing will be Tuesday, February 25
- Location: The ISD Administration Building
- Room: Mt. Rainier
- Testing Session: 8:30am-9:30am
- Sign-ups required (click link)
- Dates: 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 3/26, 4/23, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28
- Location: Issaquah High School and Skyline High School
- Room: 3104 & 2402
- Testing Session: 3pm-4pm
- Sign-ups required (click link above)
- Dates: Every Thursday except holidays and breaks;
- First Day of testing will be on Thursday, February 13
- Location: Liberty High School
- Room: 5201
- Testing Session: 3pm-4pm
- Sign-ups required (click link)
- Dates: 2/27, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3, 4/10, 4/24, 5/1, 5/15, 5/29
- Location: Administration Building
- Room: Mt Rainier
- Testing Sessions:
- 9am-10am
- 10:30am-11:30am
- Sign-ups required (click link)
- Dates: 2/15, 3/29, 4/26, 5/17
Testing Requirements
- Please be on time to the in person testing session. We will be unable to let you in if you arrive late. You should plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before your testing session.
- Please bring school district laptop with charger, along with any supplies you need to take your tests.
- Students must complete and submit all work in a unit before taking an in person test.
- Students are unable to move on to the next unit until they have taken their unit test.
- All testing must be completed in one session.
- Students are required to sign-up in order to test.
- Student desks will be clear of all papers, notebooks, backpacks, etc.
- If a student brings a cell phone to the testing session, they will be instructed to have the cell phone put in airplane mode, off and/or silenced during the duration of the test. Cell phones will be face down at the top of the desk.
- No additional electronics.
- No notes/books/resources & no talking once the proctor has started the testing session.
- Math: students may use a graphing or scientific calculator, whiteboard and marker. The testing room will provide whiteboards and markers.
Testing Retake Policy
Students are eligible to retake a unit test (s) if they scored below an 80%. This includes any module/unit test, not the semester exam. Please see below for process:
- One retake attempt per unit test is allowed.
- Students need to retake their test prior to taking their next unit test. Once they take their next unit test they are unable to go back and previously retake the prior unit test.
- Students are required to meet with their Accelerate teacher to go through their exam via Zoom. It is the student's responsibility to schedule a meeting with their Accelerate teacher. Accelerate teachers have a booking link on Canvas. Students could message their teacher via Canvas to set up a time.
- After the student's meeting with their Accelerate teacher, the student will sign up to retake their test during any of the designated testing sessions.
- Students can earn up to an 80%, even if they score between an 80.1-100, on their retake.
- *The score on the retake will be entered into student's gradebook on Canvas.
- Any retake tests need to be completed on or before Friday, May 2.
*If the first attempt for the unit test was higher than the retake, the retake score will be the final grade for that unit test.