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Resources for Families

Social Emotional Learning at Home

Social Emotional Learning begins at home with family and caregivers. You are your child's first social emotional teacher and you continue to guide these skills throughout childhood and adolescences.  

"Parents and families are critical partners in helping their children develop social and emotional know-how. They can model the kinds of skills, attitudes, and behaviors we want all students to master. And they can be important advocates for SEL at school." -

Learn more about Social Emotional Learning in the video below.

Additional Resources

10 Ways to Support SEL at Home - Quick article from EdSurge on ways that caregivers can foster social emotional learning at home.

Committee for Children - Learn more about SEL and how you can support your child in their social emotional development at home.

NBC Parent Toolkit - Website provides resources and guidance for caregivers on specific topics, developmental milestones, academics, wellness, emotional support, and parenting tips. 

Healthy Children - Affiliated with American Academy of Pediatrics. This website has a variety of articles and resources on multiple topics based on age, development, and need.

Child Mind Institute - Child Mind Institute provides a number of resources for caregivers and families. Resources include information on mental health, parenting guides, care connections, and more.

Parent Teen Connect - Advice for parents from experiences in the field on adolescent development.


Tips for Families  - Quick and informative read on creating positive support systems at home.

Positive Behavior Support Strategies to Support Families at Home - Quick tips that can be utilized at home.

General Parenting Tips from AAFP - Check out table 1 for what and how to implement positive caregiving strategies at home. 

PBIS at Home - Website teaches caregivers how to create a family matrix, similar to the school matrices created within ISD.