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Early Learning Interest Form

Issaquah School District offers a continuum of preschool programs to support students and families. Visit our website to learn more about our various programs for student and family support. After completing this interest form, a district representative will follow-up with you. If you are unsure about which program to select, please select all that you might be interested in and we will discuss options and eligibility with you. We look forward to meeting your family!


Preferred Program - select desired program(s)required
ECE (Early Childhood Education) Special Education Program eligibility is determined through the Child Find process. Contact Child Find to schedule a screening appointment.
Child's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
How old will your child be on August 31, 2025?required
Children who are 5 years old by August 31st of the school year are age eligible for kindergarten registration.
Parent/Family/Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Would you like interpretation services when we contact you? This service is available at no cost to families.
Is your child currently enrolled in a preschool program? (select all that apply)required

Family Annual Income

Your family may be eligible for free preschool or financial assistance based on *family size and income. To qualify, you will need to submit proof of your last 12 months of income prior to enrollment. Review the Free and Reduced Lunch Guidelines and select all that apply, based on your family income level.

* Family Size - A person related to the parent/guardian by blood, marriage, or adoption, living in the same household as the child, and is financially supported by the parent/guardian. Financially supported by the parent/guardian means that the parent/guardian provides more than 50% of the support for the person, including provision of food, housing, utilities, etc., as well as income.

Select all that apply:

Other Considerations

Thank you for helping us get to know your child and family. Your child may be eligible for additional support and programs if they demonstrate academic and/or social emotional needs. (check any that apply)

Thank you for helping us get to know your child and family! After our team reviews your interest form, a district representative will follow-up with you. To learn more about our programs, please visit our website and feel welcome to reach out with any questions you might have.