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Academy for Community Transition (ACT)

Academy for Community Transition (ACT) is a two to three-year program for 18-21 year old students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). ACT provides individualized programs of study in academic skills, vocational and adaptive skills, social skills and independent living. ACT is focused on preparing our students for adult life and economic self-sufficiency.

We provide individualized services that are consistent with each student's preferences, interests, strengths and needs so that they can prepare for and engage in competitive integrated employment or supported employment (if desired) and achieve economic self-sufficiency after program completion.

Program goals

  • To provide a transition program that is inclusive, asset-based, culturally responsive and culturally sustaining (sustaining and preserving cultural practices that matter to the family).
  • To support each student's post-secondary goals relating to adult living and economic self-sufficiency.
  • To prepare students to meaningfully participate in and contribute to their community.
  • To improve post-school outcomes for students with disabilities.

ACT has three areas that guide the services and experiences that students receive while enrolled in our program:

Skills for adult living

  • Self-advocacy
  • Health/Leisure
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Functional Reading/Functional Math
  • Life skills – shopping, cooking, laundry, chores, transportation

Economic self-sufficiency

  • Workplace readiness/vocational training
  • Technology
  • Communication in the workplace
  • Internships (on-campus and off-campus)
  • Employment Services (School-to-Work)
  • Comprehensive resume/portfolio

Community-based experiences

  • Exploring Issaquah’s parks and other recreation opportunities
  • Leadership: volunteering to serve
  • Make purchases in the community

Contact Information


Teresa Cowan 

Transition Teachers

Dylan Sedlak 

Annie Heller 

Vision: The Academy for Community Transition's vision is to empower young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be self-determined adults passionately pursuing their personal and professional goals.

Mission: The mission of the Academy is to provide an inclusive and comprehensive transition program through program specific coursework, person-centered planning, vocational and life skills development, and community-based and community-driven instruction.