Assistive Technology
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive Technology is any device, piece of equipment, or system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. It also includes the services related to selecting and using the Assistive Technology. Technology levels the playing field, allowing students to access curriculum, demonstrate their knowledge and skills, be independent and even break down stereotypes.
Services Provided:
The Issaquah School District Assistive Technology (AT) team provides services to students, parents, and staff, to ensure that every student has access to their classroom and curriculum. These services include:
- Support for school staff through the AT consideration process related to a students Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- Consultation with school staff around specific AT supports to increase access and universal design for learning
- Trial periods with a variety of AT and Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) hardware devices
- Professional development opportunities for staff and parents around AT hardware and software
- Support for classroom staff with on-site training for using specialized low or high tech AT resources
- Options for AAC for students with limited speech and written output
Who benefits from Assistive Technology?
All students receiving special education services must have assistive technology considered annually at the IEP review. Students receiving accommodations through a 504 plan may have assistive technology considered and included as a resource to support access. General Education students might also benefit from tools to support different learning styles and multiple means of representation. Some examples of scenarios include:
- A student that struggles to read printed text and demonstrates improved comprehension with auditory alternatives.
- A student that has difficulty with handwriting that is able to produce written material at a higher quality or speed when they are given access to a word processor, word prediction, or speech recognition software.
- A student that has difficulty expressing their wants and needs and is able to communicate better when given access to visual language supports or voice output device.
Assistive Technology Resources in ISD:
To learn more about additional technology resources available in the Issaquah School District, please visit the Assistive Technology Website.
Contact Info
Amanda Thrash, MS, OTR/L, ATP
Assistive Technology Specialist - Counseling and Student Well-Being (504) and Special Services
Megan Young, M.S., CCC-SLP
Assistive Technology Specialist and Speech Language Pathologist - Special Services
Dhashnaa Chinnasamy, BS (CSE)
Technology Specialist (Special Services )