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Child Find

The Issaquah School District's Child Find Program is designed to locate and offer assistance to infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children, between the ages of birth and 22, who may have developmental delays or learning problems. Early identification of problems can make a big difference in a child's future school success.

Identification for Infants and Toddlers

For infants and toddlers, ages birth to age three, Early Intervention agencies can help determine if your child is following a typical pattern of development. If your child demonstrates developmental delays, they can receive intervention services through these birth to three agencies.

Encompass  425-888-3347

Kindering Center  425-747-7004


Identification for 3-5 year olds

Free screenings are provided for children between the ages of three and five to identify preschoolers with possible delays in the following areas of development: cognitive, speech/language, fine and gross motor, adaptive and social-emotional.

If you have questions or concerns about your preschooler's development please call our District  Birth to 3 year old / Child Find Intake Line at 425-837-7197 or email Child Find

Identification for School Aged Students

For students who are school aged, Kindergarten to 22 years of age, please contact your neighborhood public school.